Throughout elementary school, I was a really bad kid. I sinned so much, it was like I’d never heard of Jesus. After (what felt like) hundreds of punishments, and spanks, I finally got it around 3rd grade. In 3rd grade, I had the best teacher in the entire world. She encouraged me to follow my dreams, be successful, and basically was everything a teacher should be. I thought “Wait a second… Somebody else was talking about this… Where was it…? Oh yeah! Sunday School!” Since I really liked my teacher, I payed attention during Sunday School, and went through so much that year, that I finally got saved when my 4th grade Sunday School teacher was preaching one day, I thought “Dang! I don’t want to go to hell! I want to live with Jesus in heaven for eternity.” I asked my parents about it, and I got saved. I still remember the day I got baptised.

5th grade is when the bullying started. I got made fun of, beat up, and teased so many times, I wanted to skip school everyday, and just sleep in. I told my mom about it, and she helped me get through it. My friends also played a big part in the bullying. I felt like I could tell my friends from Church anything, (Shout out to Jonathan Kershner, Matthew Megli, Austin Lewis, and all my other great friends) who helped me get through everything. (I had a crush on a girl from my school, and that caused most of the bullying). After the bullying had stopped, I still wasn’t over it. I turned a cold shoulder to God, thinking “He can’t just let me go through this!” 6th grade, I started praying, asking Jesus for help, and as God is, he helped me. He stopped all the rude remarks, and that’s why I was really energetic last year (all my friends should know what I’m talking about).

Middle School has been great, and Jesus has blessed me so much in my life, giving me great friends, and helping me decide who to stop hanging out with. I know it sounds hard, but choosing the right friends can really decide the rest of your life.

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