I didn’t grow up in a Christian home. I don’t remember a Bible in our house. But I had a religion. My religion was to be better than others. That way, when I died, it was certain I would be chosen for heaven. My belief was that the better half went up to heaven; and others went down to hell. (I got the heaven and hell part right 😉

Then, I was drafted and sent to Vietnam with a helicopter transportation company. That’s when everything fell apart for me, including and especially, my religion. It was there that I realized that there was no good thing in me or about me. The very worst came out. Half way through my tour of duty, in absolute desperation I cried out for help. I was broken and surrounded in darkness. I needed to be rescued, from the horrors of my situation, and most of all from myself.

The Lord heard my cry. It was as if He was knocking at the door of my heart. He asked if I believed that His Son Jesus could rescue me. Not once, but three times, I was asked. Since everything else had completely failed, unreservedly I said, “Yes, I believe.” At that very moment, I noticed that I was different inside. Even though my environment was exactly the same, I was completely content and at peace for the first time in six months; perhaps for the first time in my life. But the best part was that I knew I had been rescued.
Looking for an explanation, I dug around in the bottom of my duffle bag. I thought that the little Gideon Bible given to me at the induction center might be able to explain my transformation. Like a famished man, I read my Little Bible daily. All the answers were there! It explained that God is holy and perfect. It explained why I was separated from Him. But my Little Bible explained that a man, the Son of God, came down to earth to rescue me. That gave me hope. It told me how this Man Jesus lived and died as a sacrifice for me. Sacrifice was a concept I understood too well. My first encounter in Vietnam was walking past 12 body bags. Brothers who had sacrificed their lives so others would be free. In a like manner, this Man Jesus sacrificed Himself for me so that I am free from the consequences of my sin.

Perhaps you are in a similar situation. You have tried everything else. You are still miserable. Know this, you can be rescued. If you cry out to the Lord, He will surely answer your cry. Just say “I need help, Jesus, and I know You are able.” You will be transformed. Then, get out your Bible and go to church. Find a Sunday school class and tell them about the great thing God has done for you. He died for you so that you can live for Him.

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