I was fortunate to be raised in a Christian home. I attended church all of my life and had a great example in my parents to follow. Our family was active in church and I was very active in the children’s and youth ministries growing up. I knew many things about God and tried to live a life consist with God’s Word but it wasn’t until I was in early High school that I actually gave my life to Jesus and made Him my Lord and Savior. This happened at a summer family camp when at the end of an evening service in an open area worship area that I went forward and prayed with Phillip Nelson to give my life to Christ.
From that point I have continued to grow in my faith but this is always a work in progress. In 1996 I felt God calling me to ministry, I pursued many opportunities but there were none that I felt a peace about. It wasn’t until 2003 that God fulfilled that call to ministry at Lenexa Baptist church. I have been on staff at Lenexa Baptist since early 2004 and continue to serve there today.

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