Stephan Hawking recently passed away. He is considered to be a great thinker for our time. I once read where he was a “vigorous supporter of the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics.” He, obviously, possessed a brilliant mind even though I have no idea what that last sentence means…

He once commented, “Religion, and those who believe in Heaven, are beliefs held by people who are afraid of the dark.” I met a person, once (on a ski lift in Colorado of all places), who had similar thoughts who told me that people who follow Jesus are weak-minded and “need a crutch” to get by in this life.
Maybe they are both right…

Honestly, I am afraid of the dark. I scare pretty easily. I am not as tough as I want to believe and never have been. Several years ago, whether it was darkness in my life, emptiness, or a simple sheer lack of purpose or direction I knew I needed a “crutch” or some type of help. A family member (actually my mother, who might be the toughest and strongest person I know and who is not afraid of the dark) told me the greatest news I had ever heard. It was the answer to my life’s dilemmas and questions. She informed me that every person needs a “crutch” and that we all need help. She told me that Jesus was her answer and that He wanted to be my help and hope in this life. I wanted to have my life together like she did.

So, very simply, I asked her how I could know Jesus. She clearly explained, “All of us have sin.” (That was clear to me. In fact, it even sounded pretty dark.) She went on to show me in the Bible that because of my sin, I was going to die (Romans 6:23). (Wow…things were getting even darker.) Yet, God’s love for us is so great that even though I have sinned and hurt Him, He loves me. God sent His Son to die for my sin, to pay that penalty that I owed for my sin. He allowed Jesus to pay that penalty for me on the Cross by giving His life for mine (Romans 5:8). (I needed to know more.)

Here was the clincher for me…she told me I could know God. (What…??) I wanted that. I wanted to know Him. I was tired of fighting the darkness by myself. I knew I needed help. (I guess you don’t have to be a physicist to figure out that one.) She went on to explain…

“That if you confess with you mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” (Romans 10:9) That was the crutch I needed in my life. I needed help, I needed forgiveness of sin and hurt that I caused that led to my darkness, I needed what Jesus could give that I could not provide for myself. I needed to be saved. So, I gave my life to Jesus and repented of sin that always leads to darkness.

My life changed. I have never looked back and not regretted one moment in my life with Jesus. No way can I imagine life without a Savior and friend who loves enough to do whatever is necessary to know me. Jesus did that…

I guess Stephan Hawking is right about darkness (he certainly understood something about “black holes”) and so was the lady about the “crutch” thing. ALL of us, especially me, needed a “crutch”, or a Savior, to take away ALL the fears in this life. Jesus is light and He makes dark days and tough moments…brand new.

Can’t move anywhere without Him…I “get to” lean on Him every moment of every single day. There is nothing like Jesus and no way is there a better life to live…

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