I had grown up in a Christian home My parents had really enforced going to church every Sunday and Wednesday. As a kid, going to church didn’t really mean learning more about Jesus, it was more about seeing my friends and socializing. One summer in fifth grade, my church was hosting Vacation Bible School. The last night of VBS, the pastor was going through the ABC’s of salvation: admit you are a sinner, Believe that Jesus Christ is Lord, and Confess your sins. It just finally clicked that I was a sinner and I needed Jesus. So I prayed for Jesus to forgive my sins and asked Him to be in my heart always. Now that I’m in college, I’m really starting to make my faith my own. I’m really diving into the Word and put Jesus in the forefront of my mind. It doesn’t mean that I’m perfect. I still do sin. But with Jesus’ grace, I am made new and can strive to be just like Him: one who knew no sin.

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